Package logahawk.listeners

Interface Summary
FilterListener.Filter Accepts or rejects the provided log statement.
Listener This describes a class that consumes log messages from the Logger class.
ListenerContainer Defines a Listener that contains other Listener instances.
LogMeta Describes the additional data that accompanies a log statement: when it occurred, severity, who caused it, etc.
LogMetaProvider Controls the creation LogMeta instances.

Class Summary
AppendableListener Allows logging to any Appendable destination object, such as Writer, StringBuffer, or StringBuilder.
BufferedListener A Listener implementation that buffers all log arguments (prior to any formatting).
ConsoleListener This will output all log statements to the console.
DefaultListenerContainer Default implementation of ListenerContainer.
DefaultLogMeta Default LogMeta implementation.
DefaultLogMetaProvider Implements the LogMetaProvider interface by returning DefaultLogMeta instances.
FailSafeListener A special Listener designed to handle exceptions thrown by the Listener.log(LogMeta, String) method.
FilterListener A generic filtering Listener.
JavaLoggerListener A Listener that uses the Java Logging API to perform the actual logging.
LengthTruncatingListener Truncates long messages based on length, replacing the truncated text with an ellipsis (or other indicator).
LineTruncatingListener Truncates long multi-line messages, replacing the truncated lines with an ellipsis (or other indicator).
LogListenerEntry Very similar to the LogEntry, this class contains a formatted message String (from the original Object array, and a LogMeta instance.
MemoryListener A simple Listener that stores all received logs as LogListenerEntry objects and stores them in memory.
NullListener Null Listener implementation, swallows all messages.
ProxyListener Abstract base class creating proxy Listener implementations.
SafeListener A special Listener will swallow any Exceptions thrown by the Listener.log(LogMeta, String) method.
SeverityFilterListener This wraps another Logger only filters out log requests whose Severity that are disabled.
SeverityFilterListener.SevFilterAdapter Adapts SeverityFilter to FilterListener.Filter
StreamListener A Listener that outputs log messages to the provided stream.
StringBuilderListener A helper Listener that can write to a StringBuilder.
ThreadLogMeta Adds information about the Thread that executed the log statement.
ThreadLogMetaProvider Default ThreadLogMeta implementation.
WriterListener A helper Listener that can write to a Writer.