Uses of Interface

Packages that use SignatureFormatter

Uses of SignatureFormatter in logahawk

Method parameters in logahawk with type arguments of type SignatureFormatter
static void Utils.addStandardFormatters(SimpleLogger logger, Collection<SignatureFormatter> signatureFormatters, Collection<ArgumentFormatter> argumentFormatters)
          Adds all standard Signature and Argument Formatters that exist in the "formatters" package.

Uses of SignatureFormatter in logahawk.formatters

Classes in logahawk.formatters that implement SignatureFormatter
 class FormatterSigFormatter
          Formats a String that can be formatted by a Formatter, using the arguments that follow the formattable String.
 class NullSigFormatter
          This will remove any "null" arguments from the log message.
 class StandardExceptionSigFormatter
          This will reformat the signature of an message where a String message is followed by an Exception.

Methods in logahawk.formatters with parameters of type SignatureFormatter
 void SignatureFormatterContainer.add(SignatureFormatter... formatters)
          Adds the provided SignatureFormatters.

Constructor parameters in logahawk.formatters with type arguments of type SignatureFormatter
DefaultSignatureFormatterContainer(Collection<SignatureFormatter> c)